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IDL2OpenROAD an Application Server Builder- Bording Data A/S IDL is a way to describe an interface or you might say a contract between clients and a server. IDL2OpenROAD generates:
IDL2OpenROAD.ppt Reflection in OpenROADJesper Nymann Madsen - Bording Data A/S Reflection allows introspection into the object structure of OpenROAD userclasses at runtime. This opens the possibility to use OpenROAD metadata to develop very flexible and dynamic programmes.RefleksionIngresWorld.ppt of Computer Associates has provided us with a number of sessions that were presented at IngresWORLD 2001. OpenROAD Application Server Hands On LabsTwo one-hour Hands On Training Sessions were presented by Computer Associates at IngresWORLD 15-17 October 2001. This zipfile contains the worksheets, code fragments, test harness and exported components necessary to complete the sessions. Exercises include the following topics: Introduction to OpenROAD 4GL Application ServerPresented at IngresWORLD 2001, this is an updated version of the presentation given at CA World earlier in the year. It introduces the concept of n-tiered applications and the capabilities of 4GL Application Server, and describes the scalability and flexibility enjoyed via live case study Designing for the OpenROAD Application ServerWith the advent of the OpenROAD 4GL Application Server, n-tiered deployment is now a reality. This raises some critical design questions such as: Driving OpenROAD 4GL Application Server from a WAP deviceThese code fragments constitute a simple working demo of 4GL Application Server being driven from a WAP device. It is based on the full blown WML/WAP phone demo shown at IngresWORLD |
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