North American Ingres Users Association |
North American Ingres User Association Frequently Asked QuestionsA FAQ is always a work-in-progress. If you find some information that is obsolete or wrong or needs some elaboration, let us know. You can send in any requests for other topcs to be covered and you can certainly contribute new material. Ingres FAQAt the moment, the only version available is this Web Version. OpenRoad FAQThere are two versions of the OpenRoad FAQ available:
If you are interested in helping to update this FAQ, please send email to , including details on which area(s) you would like to work on. Patches Available at Computer AssociatesPatches are available on the Computer Associates ftp site: Ingres Patches available on Migration InformationComputer Associates has an excellent document available for download FREE from their web site, called the Ingres II Migration Guide. An invaluable resource if you are preparing to upgrade your system from Ingres 6.4 to Ingres II. Available on CA's Upgrade Page. Ingres Trace PointsRobert Morey, together with several other Ingres users, has developed a comprehensive list of Ingres trace points applicable to Ingres and OpenIngres, and made it available to the public on the World Wide Web. Please remember that Ingres trace points are NOT supported by Computer Associates, and that use of at least some of these trace points can do serious harm to your system. Now that you've been warned, here's the link if you're still interested: Ingres Trace Point page This list is maintained by , and any comments or update requests should be directed to him. |
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